LinkedIn article banner image: 600 x 322.LinkedIn article featured image: 1200 x 644.LinkedIn post single or multi-image: 1080 x 1080 (square) 1920 x 1080 (portrait).LinkedIn banner / cover photo size: 1128 x 191.LinkedIn company pages, optimum image sizes NOTE – when designing your banner, beware of the ‘danger zones’. LinkedIn banner or background photo size: 1584 x 396.

Not only does this not look very attractive but, by not adding your own image, you are missing out on a fantastic marketing opportunity. It is not compulsory to add your own image in these places but if you don’t, you’ll be displaying LinkedIn’s default image. In several places on LinkedIn – in posts as well as in profiles – LinkedIn provide a ‘place holder’ image for you to add your own. Also, please bear in mind, there are many areas of LinkedIn where it is almost REQUIRED to add an image. You may attract a different audience or a wider audience if you add images to your LinkedIn posts. How important is it to add images to our posts on LinkedIn? Although LinkedIn is traditionally about words, not so much about pictures, it is still important to post images on LinkedIn.